Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Say No to Home Use Laser Hair Removal Devices

You can’t help but notice the increase of home Laser Hair Removal devices hitting the market nowadays. On any given day you see different variations of these hand held gizmos that are supposed to rid you of your unwanted body hair. The truth if the matter is, they don’t work. In fact after a brief search online we’ve discovered that angry clients have actually taken it upon themselves to make websites specifically for bashing these products for the world to see. Search away!

One of the more popular devices seems to the “No No”. In fact, they’ve recently come up with an even more powerful device which is supposed to supercharge your laser hair removal efforts all from the palm of your hand.  Sadly this supped up version receives more than its fair share of bashing on Interwebs.
The fact is that the laser light required to target the hair follicle must originate from powerful source to be effective. The light source must be able to penetrate deep into the skin reaching the hair follicle in order to target the hair’s food source. The amount of light needed can only be generated by medical grade lasers using specific wave lengths of energy.  To complicate things, not all skin types are effective on all wavelengths. Darker skin requires a different type of laser wave length than lighter skin. In addition to different wavelengths, treatment parameters based on the Fitzpatrick Scale also play a key role on the effectiveness of the treatment.
At Amore Laser of Austin we use only FDA Approved Laser Hair Removal Machines that can safely and effectively remove unwanted hair. All our staff are professionally trained and certified with the State of Texas to insure you that your laser treatment parameters will be the most effective for your skin type. Our beautiful facility is conveniently located at 2103 W. Anderson Ln Austin, TX 78757. Visit us online or stop by to speak with any of our staff about your Laser Hair Removal needs. You’ll be glad you did!


Office: 512-291-4247 (HAIR)
Address: 2103 W. Anderson Lane 
Austin, Texas 78757