Thursday, January 8, 2015

BioSlimming can help you achieve your weight loss goals

With the New Year brings new commitments and resolutions and for many of us weight loss is on the front burner. Weight loss is something many American’s battle with the entire year and with so many diet plans, weight loss gimmicks and fly by night exercise product to choose from it can become frustrating choosing what works best for you.  We all know that diet and exercise will always be on the forefront and foundation of a healthy weight but luckily there are other ways to effectively help you achieve your weight loss goals.

At Amore Laser of Austin we have been helping our local Austin clients since 2008 and are pleased to now be offering BioSlimming Body Wraps and products. The Bioslimming process does not just improve your weight loss goals. The products help you to feel better and the application refreshes and eliminates toxins from your skin. You will feel light, refreshed, brand-new and energized after your treatment in our comfortable and relaxing medical spa atmosphere in Austin Texas. 
How does Bioslimming work? 

The thermal agents inside of the Bioslimming body wraps stimulate the lymphatic system and help to burn body fat through thermal regulation. They induce lipolysis, which means that your body is burning the fat just below your skin's surface. The process helps to fight rebel fat deposits and eliminate toxin from your body. Normally the treatments result in an inch of loss per measured area following the application treatments.

As the products absorb the fatty acids and help transport fat out of the cells, the roughness of your skin can disappear, which reduces the appearance of cellulite, adipose tissue and other negative skin texture appearances. The high levels of caffeine also tighten and energize the skin . The products have been proven to dramatically reduce the appearance of cellulite, making them extremely effective in the battle for tight, even skin tone and an overall weight loss and health regime.


Details of our Bioslimming Wraps
Bioslimming products are no fuss, no mess and easy to use. You will not have to take an in-spa shower like you would have to after the application of other body wrap products and processes. The body wraps are not based on compression or tight bandages, which leaves you free to relax and rejuvenate during your time at our medical spa.

The treatment consists of 3 different gels and 1 cream. These gels and cream are applied in a two-step process. The first step involves a detoxifying base product, an ultra slim gel and an ultra slim cream. All of these products are massaged into the areas of concern on your body, letting you relax and enjoy the process. Then, the areas are covered with a Biofilm, which is not restrictive or compression applied. You will be able to lie comfortably in our beautiful facility for about 30 minutes.

During the second step, the Biofilm is removed and another ultra slim effect gel is re-massaged vigorously into the areas being treated. You will be allowed to rest and let your body soak in the benefits of the gels for a few additional minutes.

Any results that you see following your Bioslimming product application are due to the active ingredients of the products which will work within the tissue of your body. Normally, clients should have a course of 6-16 Bioslimming product treatments depending on the results they would like to see. The treatments can also be used as a part of acoustic wave treatments or bio therapeutic platinum body lifting treatment to encourage overall health and complete skin rejuvenation.
Contact Amore Laser of Austin
For more information on all the great benefits of Bioslimming that we can offer, please visit us online at or visit our Austin Bioslimming page. All of our certified staff at Amore Laser would love to help you meet your health and fitness goals and feel healthy and renewed through the use of our Bioslimming products and our other cosmetic treatment options. 
Office: 512-291-4247 (HAIR)
Address: 2103 W. Anderson Lane
Austin, Texas 78757

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